Authenticity Reaches Gen X

Authenticity Reaches Gen X

Posted On December 6, 2012

A new study by Nielsen shows that Generation X responds to authenticity in advertising above other qualities and approaches. Advertising that is calm, reasonable, and based on real life will appeal to Xers in contrast to more aspirational, extreme, and exaggerated styles that appeal to Millennials. The study found some subtle differences between men and women of Generation X. Gen X women are more responsive to sentimentality, while Gen X men respond to competence. Both place a high value on real-world, relatable situations. The study acknowledges that Gen X is smaller than the others but represents an opportunity for marketers… Read More

Categories: Advertising, Blog, Women

Stay-at-Home Millennials Make More

Posted On June 28, 2012

Millennials who stay at home make more than those who leave, according to Penn researcher Greg Kaplan’s study. That’s “stay-at-home” as in continue living with mom and dad, an increasingly common phenomenon among all Millennials. The study examined incomes of Millennials who live with their parents and those who don’t and projects that those who stay at home will face less of a recession earnings gap than those who strike out on their own. In general, Millennials who enter the workforce during the downturn are expected to earn about $100K less in lifetime earnings than those who started in more… Read More

Categories: Uncategorized

For Gen X Women, 40 Is The New Sweet 16

Posted On August 5, 2011

In previous generations, many women may have preferred to let their 40th birthday pass quietly and without notice, perhaps so as to claim to be 39 indefinitely. Not so with Generation X. Gen X women are celebrating their 40th with sweet 16-style parties, resort vacations, and spa days, announcing that their youth is by no means spent. In part, this phenomenon may stem from the fact the 40s are now more like the 20s and 30s used to be, a time of good health when many start and raise their families. And in fact, a 40 year old today can… Read More

Categories: Generation Y / Millennials, Women

No Echo for the Echo Boom

Posted On August 22, 2011

Millennials were first known as the “Echo Boom” because they were an echo of the Baby Boomers. As Boomers reached child-bearing age, their fertility rates (births per woman) were not particularly high, but the sheer size of the Boomer generation ensured that their offspring, the Millennials, would echo the population boom of their parents. Now that Millennials are reaching child-bearing age, fertility rates are shrinking even further. A recent Advertising Age analysis of census data shows that birthrates for women in their 20s declined more in the last two years than any time in the last three decades. In fact, the only… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Training Industry, Women